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10/25/05 "Lather, rinse and repeat"
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I swear this actually happened. The dialouge and what the guy looked like is a little off. Otherwise a guy came up too me and said something similar to that. I guess I just bring it out in people. I just bring out the weirdness in people.

I'M FINISHED. I got the final cut on my book. So now it's all set up. Tomorrow I'll see Allan to take off the extra paper. I took some photos, but I'll post them tomorrow.

I'm also thinking of starting to take pre-orders for the book. If I get any orders it be to pay to make the book. I might also make a few more of the one I'm going to put in the show for a lucky few. Soon as I get more details I shall let you all know.

Bye guys, take care.

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